Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Baby "O's" Nursery Is Complete!

The nursery is complete and we are IN LOVE! All of the long days and nights have paid off and we are excited to share the finished product with all of you! You can often find me in the glider reading picture books! As for Ry, I think I'll wait awhile until I bring up the next DIY project.....he deserves a break!

Enjoy the pics! The only thing missing is our BABY BOY!

Complete nursery!
Chance definitely knows something is going on.....

His "crib"!

Gator sheets and a gator friend!

"Our Little Man" artwork from Grandma Deb and Grandpa Gary!

Mini chair with side table from Grandma Mary and Grandpa John!

Daddy's bookshelves are holding up!

The closet is filling up quickly!

His froggy friend

Our take on a mobile....pterodactyl style!

The "feeding" and "reading" spot!

More gators:) Chomp!

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