Sunday, July 15, 2012

27 Week Baby Bump Pic

27 Weeks Pregnant

I'll be 27 weeks pregnant tomorrow! Here is the latest baby bump photo! Today happens to be our 7 year wedding anniversary and it was Ry's year to plan the day! What a better idea for a pregnancy than to have a day of dining! This morning, we dined at Burnt Toast, a place that we've been wanting to try.... and let me tell you it was worth the wait! I'm not sure if the Grand Marnier French Toast with bananas and cinnamon glazed pecans was better than the cream cheese stuffed French Toast with raspberries, but either way, it was awesome! Then, we were off to get a photo that we purchased together 7 years ago on our honeymoon custom framed! Better late than never I suppose. Tonight, it's off to D&J Bistro, a Lake Zurich hot spot that has been around for years, but we have yet to try! After this feast, you can be sure that the next baby bump picture will be larger!!

Also, we are happy to report that the nursery is 99% complete! Thank you Grandpa Gary and Grandma Mary for donating some time to help with the nursery! Ryan worked every day he had off until it was done and he is proud of his work - as he certainly should be! I couldn't have asked for anything more:) Stay tuned for pics of the little man's "crib"!

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