Thursday, April 12, 2012

Candles on a cake....

Today we had a follow-up visit to check that all is well with the baby! This week's visit was much more positive and left us feeling a sense of confidence and calm. My mom (aka Grandma Mary) was there to lend some support and got a thrill when she not only got to see the baby, but also heard the heartbeat!  She swears that it's a boy, but the doc said that any doctor would have to be pretty good at what they do in order to call that one this early.....needless to say, she's convinced:)

I thought it was funny and felt the urge to post thinking about how many years I've blown out the candles on my birthday cakes and wished for a baby for Ry and I. Today, on my birthday, we got to see our baby and hear the heartbeat~and that is the BEST birthday present that I could have asked for.

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