Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 33 Baby Bump Update

Here is the 33 week baby bump! Ry and I can't believe that the official due date is only 7 weeks away! We begin our Childhood Education classes in two weeks and we are hoping to learn a thing or two even though all our friends tell us that all goes out the window in the delivery room! That being said, I'm hoping it will help us to prepare mentally for the birth anyway.

School has officially started and I can definitely tell that the fatigue from the first trimester is back in the third! Although, I was excited to come home today and NOT have swollen ankles! Oh, it's the little things:) Overall, I'm not feeling too bad, but I can definitely feel the weight of the baby and although I think I can fit through tight spaces....I can't:( Ry having to help me put my strappy shoes on today was also a reality check! Thank goodness he's willing or it would be flip flops everyday!

We had an absolutely beautiful shower this past weekend thrown by my two sisters, Lindsay and Carly! I can't wait to get some pictures so that I can post to the blog! It was more than either of us could have asked for and we are so very grateful for all they did to make the day so special for both of us! Stay tuned for pictures....

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