Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's a.....

Ry and I found out on Wednesday that we are expecting a BABY BOY!! We could not be happier!! I had no inkling either way, but Ry had been convinced it was a girl the last month or so. The look on his face was priceless when the tech said "It's a BOY!" We looked at each other in disbelief and started laughing with exuberance at the thought of having a little man join the family! Most importantly, the anatomy scan ultrasound was perfect and we have one healthy baby on the way! I've been feeling him move a lot lately and Ry can't wait until he gets his first feel of some movement. Every time Ry waits patiently for a kick, he settles down again. Can't wait until we catch him! So much to look forward to!

Here are some pictures of Baby Boy Olivero ~ Enjoy!

Sweet Baby Boy!

The "money shot" as the tech called it!

Chin up

3D - He was camera shy:)

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