Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Halfway to the finish line!

Here is the 20 week belly pic! It's hard to believe that he is halfway here! I've been feeling great lately....I guess the 2nd trimester really is the honeymoon phase:) School is out in a week and it's all baby from here on out!

20 weeks (halfway)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Buy Buy Baby FYI

Just wanted all of you who are planning on shopping at Buy Buy Baby to know that they also accept current Bed Bath and Beyond coupons! However, you can only use them in-store or over the phone. There is no way to use them on-line. I'm always looking to save, so thought I'd pass along the info:)

PS-Ry felt the baby kick for the first time Saturday night! It was a moment that I won't soon forget! He's such a proud dad:)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's a.....

Ry and I found out on Wednesday that we are expecting a BABY BOY!! We could not be happier!! I had no inkling either way, but Ry had been convinced it was a girl the last month or so. The look on his face was priceless when the tech said "It's a BOY!" We looked at each other in disbelief and started laughing with exuberance at the thought of having a little man join the family! Most importantly, the anatomy scan ultrasound was perfect and we have one healthy baby on the way! I've been feeling him move a lot lately and Ry can't wait until he gets his first feel of some movement. Every time Ry waits patiently for a kick, he settles down again. Can't wait until we catch him! So much to look forward to!

Here are some pictures of Baby Boy Olivero ~ Enjoy!

Sweet Baby Boy!

The "money shot" as the tech called it!

Chin up

3D - He was camera shy:)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New URL starting Sunday

This Sunday I will be changing the URL address from http://oliverotwins.blogspot.com/ to http://babyolivero.blogspot.com/. Feel free to pass along the new address to family and friends who are following the blog!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Boy or Girl?

Don't get too excited, we don't know yet! But, we will know in less than three weeks! Ry and I absolutely cannot wait to find out whether we are expecting a boy or a girl! One thing we do know is that it doesn't matter one bit to us as long as the baby is healthy. I know what you're thinking.....that's what everyone says,  but after all we've been through, I can tell you honestly - that's the truth! Stay tuned.....