Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baby Shower # 1

The moment we told Ryan's Aunt Sue that I was expecting, she told us that she wanted to throw a baby shower in our honor! Needless to say, we were delighted! After working all week, with the help of Ryan's mom, Debi, and cousins, Tina and Brooke, the shower was absolutely beautiful and we couldn't have asked for anything more! Not only were we surrounded by local family and friends, we also had family who traveled from as far as California, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, and Arizona to join us for the occasion! Others who couldn't make the trip, sent gifts and well-wishes to Baby "O" as well!

Ryan and I have always known that we have an unbreakable support system, but we were still overwhelmed by the joy and love that this baby has brought to our lives and to our loved ones' lives as well! It's hard to believe he's had this impact and he has yet to arrive! The anticipation is palpable! Here are pictures of this special day as we prepare for the little man's arrival! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who was there, either physically or in spirit. We appreciate each and every one of you and love sharing our happiness! Enjoy!

Ryan, Auntie Sue, and Kelly
Grandpa and Grandma Zarr, Kelly and Ryan
The parents-to-be!
It's present time!
Uncle Mark, Kelly and Ryan
Oh, Grandpa Zarr!

Kelly and the Grandmas-to-be!
Kelly and Aunt Carly
So many gifts....
Yummy cupcakes for dessert....Mmmmm!
"I think I'm the father......??!!"
Car seat base! Safety first!
Awww, NO doubt!
All ready for the pool!
Fun shark backpack for the little man! And pee pee teepees for mom and dad's sake!