Friday, March 23, 2012

The secret is out!

I know what you're thinking.....How did she keep that belly under wraps?! It's all about the clothes you choose to wear I suppose. There's no hiding it now though! The day before Spring Break, I was able to tell my staff at school the big news! "Double Stuf" Oreos with milk (compliments of Gar)  and "Double"mint gum were the treats for the occasion! Everyone was so excited and shocked too! In addition to that, the women I work with in the reading room threw a surprise party for me! They are the best group of people to work with and I'm happy to call them my friends! Needless to say, not much got done on Friday! It was a great way to kick off my Spring Break! Here are a few pics from that exciting day~So happy that the secret is out!
The big announcement in the lounge
     "Double"mint gum for the staff


Desk decor

Gifts from the reading room!

Flowers from Katie:)

More RR decor
Here's the poem that I shared with the girls in the Reading Room to reveal the big news:

To My Reading Room Family

My mom has been wishing for me for the past three years.

She tells me you've been there through the sorrow and the tears.

There will be some changes to the reading room when I arrive this fall,

but she assures me that Mrs. Johnson and the gang can handle them all.

She wanted me to thank you for all that you've done.

She can't find the words to express the friends you have become.

Good listeners, words of advice, and a multitude of prayers

was the strength that she needed to hang in there all these years.

Her reading room family will now become mine.

Don't worry about me, mom will teach me how to rhyme!

There's just one more thing that you need to know.

I'm squished in here with barely any room to grow....

You see, if I didn't tell you this secret it would be a sin.

I'm not alone in here...I'm a TWIN!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

1st "belly bump" pic

Where did that come from?! This is the first pic of the "belly bump" taken at 10 weeks 3 days along! It feels as though I skipped the "bump" stage and went right to "belly".  It just appeared over the last week or so and doesn't show any signs of slowing down! I have to remind myself that it's twins and just go with it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

"I think I saw 3....."

"That is NOT funny" was Ryan's response when the doc stated that he saw 3 babies on our 8 week visit! After holding our breath for 2 minutes, he reassured us that there were only two babies....phew!

The 8 week visit went well and we will be back in 4 weeks! I am used to being monitored so frequently that this made me nervous, but Ry assured me that everything would be okay!