Friday, November 16, 2012

Guess Who's Already One Month Old?!

It's hard to believe, but Nolan is already ONE month old! Between feeding, changing, sleeping (Nolan, of course) and doing it all again, time went by in a blink! What an outpouring of love and support we've had from family and friends! Cards, gifts, and visitors by the dozen have made his introduction into the world a time of celebration and awe! Here are some captured moments from his first month! Enjoy!







Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Day Nolan Arrived....

After much anticipation, Nolan Gray Olivero made his entrance into the world on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 at 7:27pm! Our family came to await his arrival from close to home and as far away as Michigan and Colorado! After taking over the waiting room at the hospital for close to two days, cheers and tears erupted as the lullaby played on the loud speaker in the hospital to announce his birth! Nolan weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz and was 20 inches long (the exact same stats as daddy when he was born)! Here are some pictures of those first few days in the hospital as we all got to know one another...


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 38....and counting!!

We are to maximum capacity now! Any day now would be great! We are just so anxious to meet this  "little man"!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lake Louise Baby Shower!!

My Lake Louise Reading Room friends threw Ry and I our final baby shower! It was fantastic! Alligator-themed (just like our little man's nursery) and complete with a "poop" guessing game! Don't worry, not real poop, just candy bars....use your imagination:) The treats were delicious and if you know the reading room that is NO surprise! My mom (Assistant Superintendent to most of the guests) was there to celebrate as well....but to us, she's better known as Grandma! It was such a nice treat to see her there! There was such an outpouring of support and love from my colleagues, Ryan and I were once again overwhelmed by the event! A big thank you to all of my Reading Room girls who have been with us on this journey from the start! Here are some pictures of that special day~Enjoy!

Lake Louise Invitation
The yummy treats to celebrate the occasion!!
The special alligator cake....Mmmmmmm!!

Grandma Mary and I enjoying ourselves!
Mama by the cake-watch out....she's hungry!
Colleen, Katie and I - Two of my Reading Room gals!
and more gifts! This one, only teachers and Ry would understand! Ha!